3613 chlorantha
1213 cooperi
4044 cristatus v. zeyheri
1214 halesowensis
4115 trigynus
We have been growing and propagating plants of this genus for over 30 years. We have virtually a national collection of these plants. Visitors to the nursery often find plants of species unobtainable elsewhere.
1219 arboreum
1220 arboreum v.atropurpureum
2550 arboreum �Blackcap�
8086 arboreum f.luteovariegatum
4037 canariense
1221 castello-paivae
3158 castello-paivae f.variegata
1223 chrysanthemum
9078 davidbramwellii
9079 decorum
9080 decorum Giant Form
1227 goochiae
9081 gochiae Abbey Brook form
1228 goochiae Abbey Brook f. variegata
1229 haworthii
4038 haworthii f.variegata
9101 holochrysum
1811 lanzerottense
1230 lindleyi
9102 manriqueorum
9103 nobile
9104 palmense
8231 percarneum
9105 sedifolium
9106 simsii
1232 tabulaeforme
1233 tabulaeforme f.cristata
9107 undulatum
3127 urbicum
1235 valverdense
9108 virgineum
3159 viscatum
1236 spec.CB 183 SomaliaAGAVE
We have a major collection of over 120 species, varieties and cultivars of theis genus. Visitors to the nursery often find plants unobtainable elsewhere. Some species onlr reproduce slowly if at all and many remain rare because seed is either unobtainable or unviable.
3628 americana
1237 americana f.variegata
1237 americana f medio-picta alba
1238 americana f.medio-picta lutea
9109 americana f.streaky
2877 angustifolia f.variegata
8087 attenuata
8088 celsii
3327 desmettiana
1239 fernandii-regis
4039 filifera
7016 guingola
1235 lophantha
2880 macroacantha
7131 murpheyi ISI 1444
1243 parviflora
1244 schottii
9110 schrevii ISI 1185
8436 sislana
2883 stricta
9609 stricta f.minima variegata
9111 tequillana Sunriser ISI 91-29 1245 toumeyana
3630 toumeyana v.bella
2882 utahiensis
1249 utahiensis v.discreta
1806 utahiensis v.eborispina
1248 utahiensis v.kaibabensis
2884 utahiensis v.nevadensis
7046 univitata
1246 victoriae reginae
1250 victoriae reginae f.Limosan-no-Yuki ISI 92-3
victoriae reginae f. nickelsii ISI 90-40BULBINE
9150 frutescens Hallmark ISI 1458
We are helping set up a N.C.C.P.G. National Collection of this genus at
Winter gardens at Duthie Park in Aberdeen. We always have for sale a large number of species and cultivars. Our own collection numbers nearly 200 species.
1281 albiflora Rauh 1838
3624 amudatensis
1254 ankaborensis nom..prov.
3633 arborescens
9082 arborescens f.variegata
1253 aristata
9083 aristata v.leiophylla
2781 aristata Cathedral Peak form.
1256 bakeri ISI 447
1257 bellatula
1258 brevifolia
1557 broomii cameronii
3636 concinna
7542 cremnophila ISI 1450
2557 descoingsii ISI 948
1262 distans
1259 dumetorum ABCN919 Moyale
1260 dumetorum ABSN 920 Marsabit
3161 elgonica
3315 eru
2856 ferox
3081 forbesii
2558 glauca
2559 glauca f.distincta
3637 hendrickxii
3639 hemmingii ISI 793
2560 humilis
3638 humilis v.echinata
3080 jacksonii
1264 jucunda CB108 Type Loc.
1266 jucunda (2n=19)
1265 jucunda 2n=14)
1267 jucunda (2n=21) giant form
9084 jucunda brown leavesd form
1268 juvenna
338 marlothii
3640 millotii
1271 mitriformis
1272 mitriformis Darley Dale
6270 Michael Fearn
3164 morijensis
2562 parvula
3312 peckii
9085 peckii Bally form
3641 pratensis
9086 perrieri
9087 pluridens
1273 rauhii
9088 rauhii Lizard Lips ISI 192-36
9089 rauhii Dorian Black
9096 rubroviolea ISI 952
9093 somaliensis
3642 striata
9094 striatula
3442 suprafoliata
1280 spec. aff. Tomentosa
2563 spec. DMC 1438 yellow fl.
9095 Taylors Hybrid
1275 X spinosissima
Over the years we have widely distributed plants of Dr. Peter Brandhams hybrid introductions from Kew Gardens.
1282 acutissima x Gasteria batesiana
3643a albiflora x Aloe somaliensis
1283 aristata x Gasteria armstrongii
1284 albiflora x somaliensis X dawei x elgonica
1285 bakeri x jacksonii
1287 bellatula x albiflora
3644 bellatula x Gasteria batesiana
3645 bellatula x rauhii
3646A bakeri x bellatula
3647A dawei xelgonica
1289 descoingsii x Gasteria caespitosa
3648 dumetorum x rauhii
1292 isaloensis x rauhii x albiflora
1293 jacksonii x bellatula
1294 jacksonii x aristata
3649 jacksonii x albiflora
2564 jucunda x dawei x elgonica
9097 jucunda x lutescens
1295 jucunda x nyeriensis
1297 juvenna x humilis
9098 juvenna x rauhii
9099 lutescens x jucunda
3650 peckii x jucunda
1298rauhii x dawei Sherman Hoyte
3651 rauhii x tomentosa
1296 rauhii x Gasteria spec.68522
1299 Gasteria amoena x lutzii x Aloe aristata
Dr Peter Brandhams Kew Hybrids
1301 Gasteria armstrongii x A. rauhii
1302 Gasteria armstrongii x glabra
3338 Gasteria batesiana x A. variegata El Supremo
1307 Gasteria carinata x verrucosa Double Carver
1305 Gasteria cheilophylla x A. vera
1306 Gasteria huttoniae x liliputana x A. albiflora
1310 Gasteria liliputana x A. humilis
3652 Gasteria lutzii x A.aristata
1308 Gasteria picta x A. dawei
1309 Gasteria poellnitziana x Aloe forbesii
1312 Gasteria verrucosa x G. bicolor F2
1311 Gasteria verrucosa x A. thompsoniaeALWORTHIA
1315 Black Gem BRIGHAMIA
2959 insignisCARALLUMA
6271 burchardiiCERARIA
9100 pygmaeaCEROPEGIA
2570 ampliata
1201 armandii
1205 chrysantha Type Loc.
3655 cimiciodora ISI 1386
1209 dichotoma
1208 fusca
1207 hians
6274 stapeliaeformis
1200 stapeliaeformis ssp.serpentina
1344 woodiiCOLEUS
1345 aromaticus ISI 1316
2572 aff. PentheriCOTYLEDON
1346 decussata
1347 gobinii
2893 ladismithiensis
9112 ladismithiensis f.variegata
1350 orbiculata
9113 papillarisCOTYLEDON
9151 bucholziana ISI 859
1354 undulataCRASSULA
A large genus of mainly small, easily grown plants, many of which flower in winter.
1359 anomala
3658 arborescens
1356 argentea (the money plant)
1358 argentea Coral
1357 argentea Hummells Sunset
3659 argentea Minnie
3165 arta
1362 columella
1366 cultrata
Hybrids and cultivars
2896 Celia
3661A corallita ISI 1387
1423 Jade Necklace
9114 Jade Tower ISI 1321
1422 Morgans Beauty
1425 Springtime
3320 Red Springtime
1426 Silver Springtime
2588 Tom Thumb
1372 falcata
1373 falcata f.minima
1375 grisea ISI 490
1377 herrei
3169A hottentota
1379 hystrix
1395 lactea
1391 marginalis f.rubra
1396 nealeana
3615A namaquensis
1397 obliqua
1398 obliqua f.variegata
1420 obliqua Blue Bird
1400 perforata
1401 perforata f.variegata
1403 picturata hybrid
1418 rattneyi
1408 rupestris
1410 sarmentosa f.variegata
2587 tecta
2586 teres
1413 tetragonaCREMNOSEDUM
1428 Little Gem ISI 1256CYPHOSTEMMA
3104 lazaDIDIERIA
4046 madagascariensisDRIMIOPSIS
9116 botryoidesDUVALIA
3326 reclinataDYCKIA
4047 fosterana ISI 1326ECHEVERIA
A large genus of mainly rosette succulents in a marvellous range of pastel colours. We have a large collection of this genus of over 150 species and cultivars. A visit to the nursery will always find something of interest freshly propagated.EUPHORBIA
A fascinating large group of plants all characterised by having stems which exhude white latex when damaged, a floral structure called a cyathium, and a triloculate fruit capsule which explodes when ripe.
Brian, in 1981 was the first European botanist to see Euphorbia Fusiformis in habitat in India since it was discovered in Victorian times. With the help of Professor Bole, a few hundred seeds were distributed worldwide.
In 2005 we helped the N.C.C.P.G. put on the central display in the Heritage Marquee at Hampton Court Flower Show. We provided the succulent Euphorbia part of a display of hardy and non hardy members of the family EUPHORBIACEAE
1568 Abbey Brook
2675 aeruginosa
1546 anoplia
1549 antisyphylitica
6324 abyssinica
9600 avasmontana
3793 atrispina
4059 baioensis ISI 1202
3637A burmannii
1548 canariensis
9117 decaryi
2681 enterophora ISI916
4086 ertraea
7033 eritraea f.variegata
7000 ferox
1553 fimbriata
1555 flanaganii f.cristata
1556 globosa
1558 horrida
6285 horrida f.striata
4060 hottentota
2678 lydenbergensis DMC 3210
1560 mammillaris
1561 mammillaris f.variegata
2679 meloformis
7142 neriifolia
1564 obesa
9118 ornithopus
4061 platyclada ISI 971
3633A pulvinata
5022 resinifera
1565 stellaespina
1566 submammillaris
7143 triangularisFURCRAEA
9119 selloae
9120 selloae f.marginata luteaGASTERIA
Gasteria is an attractive easily grown and flowered group of plants from S.Africa. They hybridise easily with the genus Aloe. see Dr Peter Brandhams hybrids listed under Aloe We are helping set up a NCCPG National Collection of at the David welch Winter Gardens, in Aberdeen.
3314 armstrongii
1574 batesiana Clonotype
7560 batesiana f.transvaalensis
7555 baylissiana Clonotype
9121 caespitosa
9122 cheilophylla (verrucosa x pulchra)
1575 carinnata
9123 croucheri Type.Loc.
9124 ellaphiae
3638A Freaki Abbey Brook Intro.
7557 glomerata
1576 liliputana
1577 maculata Clonotype
1579 minima
3087 minima f.lutea variegata
9125 Moppy
1276 nigricans
1580 obtusifolia obtusifolia f.variegata
1582 picta
9127 picta Abbey Brook
1559 planifolia v.bicolor
3641A pulchra
3639A repens
2682 rawlinsonii
1558 Smokey
1584 schweikertiana
1585 verrucosa
1586 verrucosa v.intermedia
1587 Spec. CP 971GASTROLEA
9128 Doreen
9129 Little Warty
1572 Royal Highness
1573 X Bayfieldii
3339 amethystinum
1595 pachyphyllum
1596 paraguayensis
3341 paraguayensis
v.bernalensis ISI 1660GRAPTOVERIA
1559 Abbey Brook
2956 Blue Boy
1600 Darley Dale
1603 Fred Ives
1604 Fred Ives f.cristata
6289 Mrs. Coombes
1607 Titubans
1610 Winster Morris HAEMANTHUS
8450 albiflos
We are N.C.C.P.G. National Collection holder of the genus Haworthia with over 500 species, varieties, forms, cultivars and cultivation. What we have available is too large to list on our website, but a visit to the nursery will often find Haworthia plants unobtainable elsewhere. Over the years we have introduced a number of our own hybrids and cultivars such as Marie, Les Pearcy, Brian Fearn Darley Dale and Green Giant. We rarely propagate our plants from seed because, like Conophytum, unless the seed is wild collected, it can produce plants which are taxonomically worthless. Much better to propagate vegetatively a plant with a known origin.HUERNIA
8232 aspera
9131 keniensis
8067 macrocarpa v.schkeinfurthii
1730 pendriformis
3348 volkardtii DB2598A
1739 zebrinaKALANCHOE
1744 beauverdii
1745 beharensis
3742 beharensis Fangs
1747 daigremontianum
3171 daigremontianum x tubiflorum
1752 foedschenkoi
6291 foedschenkoi f.variegata
3350 millotii
3096 pinnata
1759 rauhii
3171 rhombopilosa
3061 rhombopilosa Abbey Brook
1766 spec. Bangalore (hildebrandtii)
3351 spec.F&B4100 aff. Calycinum
An Indian girl with spec.F&B4100 found near Mahabaleshwar in 19801761 tomentosa
9132 tomentosa Pedro Braso
9133 tomentosa Bristle haired form
2708 tubifloraLENOPHYLLUM
1771 texanumORBEA
3365 comparabilis
6295 mutabilis
1784A variegata
3366 variegata f. minimaORNITHOGALUM
2713 longibracteatumOXALIS
3646 tuberosaPACHYPHYTUM
1784 bracteosum
1792 Capt. Jessop
1785 compactum
1786 compactum f.cristata
9149 fittkauii ISI 1405
1787 glutinicaule
1789 hookeri
1790 longifolium
3368 Mrs Coombes
1791 oviferum
1794 werdermannianum ISI 551
1793 viridePACHYPODIUM
3648 lameri
3015 succulenta
3214 lealii v.saundersiiPACHYVERIA
1801 Albert Baynes
1798 albocarinata
2963 Elaine Reinelt ISI 876PELARGONIUM
1817 tetragonumPIARANTHUS
9134 comptus v. ciliatus
9135 pulchra v.nebrowniiPLECTRANTHUS
2715 spec. CB189PORTULACARIA
2717 afra
1824 afra f.variegata
2719 afra LemonPUYA
6287 mirabilisSANSEVIERIA
8236 aethiopica
9136 brunonianum F&B
1826 vanlessenii ISI 984
7051 viminale
9137 spec. Chortan F&BSCILLA
6297 marmorata
1828 violaceaSEDIVERIA
1829 hummellii
1830 S.morganianum x E.derenbergiiSEDUM
6018 adolphi
1832 clavatum ISI 1161
1831 commixtum
1836 furfuraceum
1837 hintonii
3183 lucidum ISI 1497
6298 lucidum f.cristata
1839 morganianum
2721 morganianum Burrito ISI 985
1841 nussbaumerianum
1843 pachyphyllum
1844 pachyphyllum f.cristata
1847 rubrotinctum
1848 rubrotinctum aurora
1849 stahlii
3659A sueveolens ISI 1100GRAPTOSEDUM
3387 Darley Sunshine
9138 Darley Sunshine f.variegata SENECIO
1855 articulata
3371 articulata f.variegata
1856 crassissimus
1858 gregorii
1859 herreanus
7084 macroglossus f.variegata
1863 medley woodii
1862 neriifolia
1865 repens
1866 rowleyanus
6299 scaposusSINOCRASSULA
2772 yunnanensisSTAPELIA
4652 flavirostris
9139 grandiflora
6302 hirsuta
9140 olivaceaSTAPELIANTHUS
6305 saxatilis ssp.stayneriTRADESCANTIA
1892 navicularis
1893 sillamontanaTROMOTRICHE
6306 revoluta
3613 chlorantha
1213 cooperi
4044 cristatus v. zeyheri
1214 halesowensis
4115 trigynus
We have been growing and propagating plants of this genus for over 30 years. We have virtually a national collection of these plants. Visitors to the nursery often find plants of species unobtainable elsewhere.
1219 arboreum
1220 arboreum v.atropurpureum
2550 arboreum �Blackcap�
8086 arboreum f.luteovariegatum
4037 canariense
1221 castello-paivae
3158 castello-paivae f.variegata
1223 chrysanthemum
9078 davidbramwellii
9079 decorum
9080 decorum Giant Form
1227 goochiae
9081 gochiae Abbey Brook form
1228 goochiae Abbey Brook f. variegata
1229 haworthii
4038 haworthii f.variegata
9101 holochrysum
1811 lanzerottense
1230 lindleyi
9102 manriqueorum
9103 nobile
9104 palmense
8231 percarneum
9105 sedifolium
9106 simsii
1232 tabulaeforme
1233 tabulaeforme f.cristata
9107 undulatum
3127 urbicum
1235 valverdense
9108 virgineum
3159 viscatum
1236 spec.CB 183 SomaliaAGAVE
We have a major collection of over 120 species, varieties and cultivars of theis genus. Visitors to the nursery often find plants unobtainable elsewhere. Some species onlr reproduce slowly if at all and many remain rare because seed is either unobtainable or unviable.
3628 americana
1237 americana f.variegata
1237 americana f medio-picta alba
1238 americana f.medio-picta lutea
9109 americana f.streaky
2877 angustifolia f.variegata
8087 attenuata
8088 celsii
3327 desmettiana
1239 fernandii-regis
4039 filifera
7016 guingola
1235 lophantha
2880 macroacantha
7131 murpheyi ISI 1444
1243 parviflora
1244 schottii
9110 schrevii ISI 1185
8436 sislana
2883 stricta
9609 stricta f.minima variegata
9111 tequillana Sunriser ISI 91-29 1245 toumeyana
3630 toumeyana v.bella
2882 utahiensis
1249 utahiensis v.discreta
1806 utahiensis v.eborispina
1248 utahiensis v.kaibabensis
2884 utahiensis v.nevadensis
7046 univitata
1246 victoriae reginae
1250 victoriae reginae f.Limosan-no-Yuki ISI 92-3
victoriae reginae f. nickelsii ISI 90-40BULBINE
9150 frutescens Hallmark ISI 1458
We are helping set up a N.C.C.P.G. National Collection of this genus at
Winter gardens at Duthie Park in Aberdeen. We always have for sale a large number of species and cultivars. Our own collection numbers nearly 200 species.
1281 albiflora Rauh 1838
3624 amudatensis
1254 ankaborensis nom..prov.
3633 arborescens
9082 arborescens f.variegata
1253 aristata
9083 aristata v.leiophylla
2781 aristata Cathedral Peak form.
1256 bakeri ISI 447
1257 bellatula
1258 brevifolia
1557 broomii cameronii
3636 concinna
7542 cremnophila ISI 1450
2557 descoingsii ISI 948
1262 distans
1259 dumetorum ABCN919 Moyale
1260 dumetorum ABSN 920 Marsabit
3161 elgonica
3315 eru
2856 ferox
3081 forbesii
2558 glauca
2559 glauca f.distincta
3637 hendrickxii
3639 hemmingii ISI 793
2560 humilis
3638 humilis v.echinata
3080 jacksonii
1264 jucunda CB108 Type Loc.
1266 jucunda (2n=19)
1265 jucunda 2n=14)
1267 jucunda (2n=21) giant form
9084 jucunda brown leavesd form
1268 juvenna
338 marlothii
3640 millotii
1271 mitriformis
1272 mitriformis Darley Dale
6270 Michael Fearn
3164 morijensis
2562 parvula
3312 peckii
9085 peckii Bally form
3641 pratensis
9086 perrieri
9087 pluridens
1273 rauhii
9088 rauhii Lizard Lips ISI 192-36
9089 rauhii Dorian Black
9096 rubroviolea ISI 952
9093 somaliensis
3642 striata
9094 striatula
3442 suprafoliata
1280 spec. aff. Tomentosa
2563 spec. DMC 1438 yellow fl.
9095 Taylors Hybrid
1275 X spinosissima
Over the years we have widely distributed plants of Dr. Peter Brandhams hybrid introductions from Kew Gardens.
1282 acutissima x Gasteria batesiana
3643a albiflora x Aloe somaliensis
1283 aristata x Gasteria armstrongii
1284 albiflora x somaliensis X dawei x elgonica
1285 bakeri x jacksonii
1287 bellatula x albiflora
3644 bellatula x Gasteria batesiana
3645 bellatula x rauhii
3646A bakeri x bellatula
3647A dawei xelgonica
1289 descoingsii x Gasteria caespitosa
3648 dumetorum x rauhii
1292 isaloensis x rauhii x albiflora
1293 jacksonii x bellatula
1294 jacksonii x aristata
3649 jacksonii x albiflora
2564 jucunda x dawei x elgonica
9097 jucunda x lutescens
1295 jucunda x nyeriensis
1297 juvenna x humilis
9098 juvenna x rauhii
9099 lutescens x jucunda
3650 peckii x jucunda
1298rauhii x dawei Sherman Hoyte
3651 rauhii x tomentosa
1296 rauhii x Gasteria spec.68522
1299 Gasteria amoena x lutzii x Aloe aristata
Dr Peter Brandhams Kew Hybrids
1301 Gasteria armstrongii x A. rauhii
1302 Gasteria armstrongii x glabra
3338 Gasteria batesiana x A. variegata El Supremo
1307 Gasteria carinata x verrucosa Double Carver
1305 Gasteria cheilophylla x A. vera
1306 Gasteria huttoniae x liliputana x A. albiflora
1310 Gasteria liliputana x A. humilis
3652 Gasteria lutzii x A.aristata
1308 Gasteria picta x A. dawei
1309 Gasteria poellnitziana x Aloe forbesii
1312 Gasteria verrucosa x G. bicolor F2
1311 Gasteria verrucosa x A. thompsoniaeALWORTHIA
1315 Black Gem BRIGHAMIA
2959 insignisCARALLUMA
6271 burchardiiCERARIA
9100 pygmaeaCEROPEGIA
2570 ampliata
1201 armandii
1205 chrysantha Type Loc.
3655 cimiciodora ISI 1386
1209 dichotoma
1208 fusca
1207 hians
6274 stapeliaeformis
1200 stapeliaeformis ssp.serpentina
1344 woodiiCOLEUS
1345 aromaticus ISI 1316
2572 aff. PentheriCOTYLEDON
1346 decussata
1347 gobinii
2893 ladismithiensis
9112 ladismithiensis f.variegata
1350 orbiculata
9113 papillarisCOTYLEDON
9151 bucholziana ISI 859
1354 undulataCRASSULA
A large genus of mainly small, easily grown plants, many of which flower in winter.
1359 anomala
3658 arborescens
1356 argentea (the money plant)
1358 argentea Coral
1357 argentea Hummells Sunset
3659 argentea Minnie
3165 arta
1362 columella
1366 cultrata
Hybrids and cultivars
2896 Celia
3661A corallita ISI 1387
1423 Jade Necklace
9114 Jade Tower ISI 1321
1422 Morgans Beauty
1425 Springtime
3320 Red Springtime
1426 Silver Springtime
2588 Tom Thumb
1372 falcata
1373 falcata f.minima
1375 grisea ISI 490
1377 herrei
3169A hottentota
1379 hystrix
1395 lactea
1391 marginalis f.rubra
1396 nealeana
3615A namaquensis
1397 obliqua
1398 obliqua f.variegata
1420 obliqua Blue Bird
1400 perforata
1401 perforata f.variegata
1403 picturata hybrid
1418 rattneyi
1408 rupestris
1410 sarmentosa f.variegata
2587 tecta
2586 teres
1413 tetragonaCREMNOSEDUM
1428 Little Gem ISI 1256CYPHOSTEMMA
3104 lazaDIDIERIA
4046 madagascariensisDRIMIOPSIS
9116 botryoidesDUVALIA
3326 reclinataDYCKIA
4047 fosterana ISI 1326ECHEVERIA
A large genus of mainly rosette succulents in a marvellous range of pastel colours. We have a large collection of this genus of over 150 species and cultivars. A visit to the nursery will always find something of interest freshly propagated.EUPHORBIA
A fascinating large group of plants all characterised by having stems which exhude white latex when damaged, a floral structure called a cyathium, and a triloculate fruit capsule which explodes when ripe.
Brian, in 1981 was the first European botanist to see Euphorbia Fusiformis in habitat in India since it was discovered in Victorian times. With the help of Professor Bole, a few hundred seeds were distributed worldwide.
In 2005 we helped the N.C.C.P.G. put on the central display in the Heritage Marquee at Hampton Court Flower Show. We provided the succulent Euphorbia part of a display of hardy and non hardy members of the family EUPHORBIACEAE
1568 Abbey Brook
2675 aeruginosa
1546 anoplia
1549 antisyphylitica
6324 abyssinica
9600 avasmontana
3793 atrispina
4059 baioensis ISI 1202
3637A burmannii
1548 canariensis
9117 decaryi
2681 enterophora ISI916
4086 ertraea
7033 eritraea f.variegata
7000 ferox
1553 fimbriata
1555 flanaganii f.cristata
1556 globosa
1558 horrida
6285 horrida f.striata
4060 hottentota
2678 lydenbergensis DMC 3210
1560 mammillaris
1561 mammillaris f.variegata
2679 meloformis
7142 neriifolia
1564 obesa
9118 ornithopus
4061 platyclada ISI 971
3633A pulvinata
5022 resinifera
1565 stellaespina
1566 submammillaris
7143 triangularisFURCRAEA
9119 selloae
9120 selloae f.marginata luteaGASTERIA
Gasteria is an attractive easily grown and flowered group of plants from S.Africa. They hybridise easily with the genus Aloe. see Dr Peter Brandhams hybrids listed under Aloe We are helping set up a NCCPG National Collection of at the David welch Winter Gardens, in Aberdeen.
3314 armstrongii
1574 batesiana Clonotype
7560 batesiana f.transvaalensis
7555 baylissiana Clonotype
9121 caespitosa
9122 cheilophylla (verrucosa x pulchra)
1575 carinnata
9123 croucheri Type.Loc.
9124 ellaphiae
3638A Freaki Abbey Brook Intro.
7557 glomerata
1576 liliputana
1577 maculata Clonotype
1579 minima
3087 minima f.lutea variegata
9125 Moppy
1276 nigricans
1580 obtusifolia obtusifolia f.variegata
1582 picta
9127 picta Abbey Brook
1559 planifolia v.bicolor
3641A pulchra
3639A repens
2682 rawlinsonii
1558 Smokey
1584 schweikertiana
1585 verrucosa
1586 verrucosa v.intermedia
1587 Spec. CP 971GASTROLEA
9128 Doreen
9129 Little Warty
1572 Royal Highness
1573 X Bayfieldii
3339 amethystinum
1595 pachyphyllum
1596 paraguayensis
3341 paraguayensis
v.bernalensis ISI 1660GRAPTOVERIA
1559 Abbey Brook
2956 Blue Boy
1600 Darley Dale
1603 Fred Ives
1604 Fred Ives f.cristata
6289 Mrs. Coombes
1607 Titubans
1610 Winster Morris HAEMANTHUS
8450 albiflos
We are N.C.C.P.G. National Collection holder of the genus Haworthia with over 500 species, varieties, forms, cultivars and cultivation. What we have available is too large to list on our website, but a visit to the nursery will often find Haworthia plants unobtainable elsewhere. Over the years we have introduced a number of our own hybrids and cultivars such as Marie, Les Pearcy, Brian Fearn Darley Dale and Green Giant. We rarely propagate our plants from seed because, like Conophytum, unless the seed is wild collected, it can produce plants which are taxonomically worthless. Much better to propagate vegetatively a plant with a known origin.HUERNIA
8232 aspera
9131 keniensis
8067 macrocarpa v.schkeinfurthii
1730 pendriformis
3348 volkardtii DB2598A
1739 zebrinaKALANCHOE
1744 beauverdii
1745 beharensis
3742 beharensis Fangs
1747 daigremontianum
3171 daigremontianum x tubiflorum
1752 foedschenkoi
6291 foedschenkoi f.variegata
3350 millotii
3096 pinnata
1759 rauhii
3171 rhombopilosa
3061 rhombopilosa Abbey Brook
1766 spec. Bangalore (hildebrandtii)
3351 spec.F&B4100 aff. Calycinum
An Indian girl with spec.F&B4100 found near Mahabaleshwar in 19801761 tomentosa
9132 tomentosa Pedro Braso
9133 tomentosa Bristle haired form
2708 tubifloraLENOPHYLLUM
1771 texanumORBEA
3365 comparabilis
6295 mutabilis
1784A variegata
3366 variegata f. minimaORNITHOGALUM
2713 longibracteatumOXALIS
3646 tuberosaPACHYPHYTUM
1784 bracteosum
1792 Capt. Jessop
1785 compactum
1786 compactum f.cristata
9149 fittkauii ISI 1405
1787 glutinicaule
1789 hookeri
1790 longifolium
3368 Mrs Coombes
1791 oviferum
1794 werdermannianum ISI 551
1793 viridePACHYPODIUM
3648 lameri
3015 succulenta
3214 lealii v.saundersiiPACHYVERIA
1801 Albert Baynes
1798 albocarinata
2963 Elaine Reinelt ISI 876PELARGONIUM
1817 tetragonumPIARANTHUS
9134 comptus v. ciliatus
9135 pulchra v.nebrowniiPLECTRANTHUS
2715 spec. CB189PORTULACARIA
2717 afra
1824 afra f.variegata
2719 afra LemonPUYA
6287 mirabilisSANSEVIERIA
8236 aethiopica
9136 brunonianum F&B
1826 vanlessenii ISI 984
7051 viminale
9137 spec. Chortan F&BSCILLA
6297 marmorata
1828 violaceaSEDIVERIA
1829 hummellii
1830 S.morganianum x E.derenbergiiSEDUM
6018 adolphi
1832 clavatum ISI 1161
1831 commixtum
1836 furfuraceum
1837 hintonii
3183 lucidum ISI 1497
6298 lucidum f.cristata
1839 morganianum
2721 morganianum Burrito ISI 985
1841 nussbaumerianum
1843 pachyphyllum
1844 pachyphyllum f.cristata
1847 rubrotinctum
1848 rubrotinctum aurora
1849 stahlii
3659A sueveolens ISI 1100GRAPTOSEDUM
3387 Darley Sunshine
9138 Darley Sunshine f.variegata SENECIO
1855 articulata
3371 articulata f.variegata
1856 crassissimus
1858 gregorii
1859 herreanus
7084 macroglossus f.variegata
1863 medley woodii
1862 neriifolia
1865 repens
1866 rowleyanus
6299 scaposusSINOCRASSULA
2772 yunnanensisSTAPELIA
4652 flavirostris
9139 grandiflora
6302 hirsuta
9140 olivaceaSTAPELIANTHUS
6305 saxatilis ssp.stayneriTRADESCANTIA
1892 navicularis
1893 sillamontanaTROMOTRICHE
6306 revoluta